CDI Global
Person name

Alvaro Pedroza

CDI Global Member

Experience & Qualifications

Alvaro Pedroza as Director of Incorbank, has worked on investment banking during the last 11 years. He has strong experience on financial consulting, enterprises valuation and M&A transactions, focussed mainly in mid size companies and family business. He has complemented this activity with financial appraisals for arbitration courts. Some sectors with significant experience are: Agroindustry, pharmaceutical, renewable energy, IT, financial institutions, health, consulting companies.

Before being Director of Incorbank, a strategic and corporate finance advisory firm in Colombia, he worked in the financial and stock market sectors, as Regional Vicepresident of the Colombian Stock Exchange, President of Colombian Western Stock Exchange, General Manager of Fiduciaria del Valle and Trust Director of Corporación Financiera del Valle.

Alvaro is Lawyer – Social Economist graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (1980), MA in Economic Policy at Boston University (1986), Candidate to MBA at Universidad Icesi (Cali, Colombia) and Tulane University (New Orleans, USA) (2002), and M&A Kellogg seminar at North Western Chicago (2015).

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